Did you miss out on our live webinars this year?
If so, now is the perfect time to catch up with our SUMS Summer Showcase. We’ve highlighted some of our key webinars from 2020-21 below, so why not take some time this summer to watch our top picks!
SUMS Annual Conference 2020:
Opportunities to Transform the Sector
Three live webinars took place at our online SUMS Annual Conference in November 2020. The theme explored universities responses to COVID-19; from crisis management to business recovery and how the pandemic had presented ‘opportunities to transform the sector‘. Sessions include:
- Keynote: Stopping a Crisis Becoming a Catastrophe – University of Hertfordshire’s Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive Quintin McKellar CBE shares his insights and experience based on a career in senior leadership.
- Leading Disruptive Change – A panel discussion sharing experience and insights from real examples of leading disruptive change across a range of sectors. This session provides participants with strategies for overcoming challenges and achieving successful outcomes.
- The Great Efficiency Debate – A pan-sector discussion looking at how universities can address major cost-savings without abandoning their values. In this session, you’ll hear from sector leaders on what’s worked, what they would never do again, and what the future may hold.
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#ChangeStartsNow: Making HEIs Racially Inclusive
Many universities issued statements expressing support for Black Lives Matter. However, what’s less clear is how they plan to translate these statements into concrete actions for creating more racially diverse and inclusive environments for students and staff. In the first part of this webinar, our panel share their insights and experiences to help attendees deliver practical and tangible change within their own institutions. This is followed by a brief 15-minute unconscious bias training session to prompt reflection and further exploration.
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SUMS & Bisk Education Webinar Series
A 4-part webinar series to help academic and professional staff conceive compelling online courses, interact and engage with students digitally, and ensure students progress and succeed online. You’ll learn about options such as bi-modal and hybrid programmes, as well as the migration of some courses fully online. Speakers will discuss student concerns, and how some of those can be mitigated. We’ll also cover the strategic implications of these decisions and the new opportunities that are arising for UK universities in the post-pandemic world.
- Webinar 1 – Techniques for successful online learning: how do we rethink course design
- Webinar 2 – Online learning: what different techniques can we adopt to engage students?
- Webinar 3 – Online learning: how do we ensure students achieve their potential?
- Webinar 4 – Digital learning strategy: long-term opportunities for universities
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SUMS & Microsoft Webinar Series:
Student Recruitment And Conversion In A Post-Pandemic World
An insightful 3-part webinar series providing practical solutions to enable your organisation to maximise future growth, whilst developing and deploying effective marketing strategies to support your ambitions. The series provides recommendations based upon the latest insight from the higher education sector, as well as good practice examples from the UK and overseas. We also share achievable technology-driven solutions for how you can transform your prospective student journeys and your overall approach to student recruitment to increase lead generation and conversion.
- Webinar 1 – Cutting through the COVID noise: the need for transformation today
- Webinar 2 – Proposed solutions: the quick wins
- Webinar 3 – Playing the long-game: learning from the quick wins for the long-term solution
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Balancing Cost Efficiency with the Human Impact: How to Reshape Universities Without Compromising on Your Values
The intel is stark: all universities are going to face significant income challenges in the midst of an already tight fiscal landscape. Government support, while welcome, is not going to be enough to pull those institutions on the precipice of collapse back from the edge. The only way universities are going to pull through is by initiating major efficiency programmes impacting both pay and non-pay spend. But how can that be done whilst staying true to values of decency and fairness? Based on their experience delivering cost containment across public and private sectors, and informed by conversations with Finance and HR directors during the last few months, Joel Arber and David Becker will set out what it takes to balance the need for reduced spend with care for your staff in this webinar.
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