Date Time Location
28th January 2022 12:00 - 16:00 Online
This is a registration form to access the recorded content from the
SUMS Consulting Annual Conference 2021: Creating Campus Communities.

Important Instructions

  1. Complete the registration form by clicking the green 'Register' button on the right.
  2. Once registered you will receive a confirmation email which will have a link to 'View the event'.
  3. You will need to register an account with Eventbrite (if you don't already have one) using the same email address that you registered with.
  4. After logging in you should be able to access the 'online event page' which contains the recorded conference sessions.

Session Content

This year’s SUMS Consulting Conference explored the multi-faceted concept of ‘community’, looking at best practice across the sector and internationally. Specialists from SUMS and across the sector lead thought-provoking sessions to spark creative discussion, exploring themes such as equality, diversity and inclusivity; innovations in teaching and learning; space management; the tech revolution; and mental health service provision.

Sessions included:

  • Conference Keynote: The Role of Transparency and Sincerity in Building Community
  • Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Rebuilding a Sense of Belonging
  • A New Dimension: Managing Space and Technology to Deliver the Campus Community of the Future
  • Mental Health and Inclusivity: Creating Happy Healthy Communities

Difficulty Accessing the Recordings?

If you see a message to 'Sign in to access this event' when visiting the 'Online event page' you will need to click the orange button labelled 'Sign in or create account'. If you have not logged in before, you will need to create a new account using the email address associated with your registration.

Need Further Help?

For further assistance, please contact Grace Parsons - Events and Marketing Officer at

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